Domain Booking
What is Website domain name?
One or more IP addresses are identified by domain names. The domain name, for example, represents around a dozen IP addresses. In URLs, domain names are used to identify specific Web pages. The domain name is used in the URL
A domain name (also known as a URL) is a short, easy-to-remember term that corresponds to a real IP address on the Internet. It's the name that comes after the @ symbol in email addresses and after the www. symbol in web addresses.

What is the use of Domain name?
Domain names are used for a variety of purposes, including application-specific naming, addressing, and establishing the following in various networking contexts: Hostnames and hosts can be easily identified. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for Internet resources, such as web sites, include hostnames as an element.
Types of Domains:
There are two types of domain name: Top level domains and Country level domains.
- .com – commercial business (the most common TLD)
- .org – organizations (typically, nonprofit)
- .gov – government agencies
- .edu – educational institutions
- .net – network organizations
- .mil – military
- .in - Country specific domain for INDIA
What are POP Email accounts?
POP stands for Post Office Protocol, and it was created to make accessing a distant email server as simple as possible. POP 3 is the most modern version, and it is supported by almost all email clients and servers. POP downloads your emails from your provider's mail server and subsequently marks them for deletion on that server.
For Example your domain is and customize Email id will be like:
For domain booking and POP email accounts, please feel free to contact Core Web Networks.